One feature that makes Linux a powerful operating system is its Command Line Interface (CLI). With the help of the Linux terminal, you can perform all kinds of processes by typing a few lines of commands.  The CLI might just be your biggest asset, as it can help you save time and get you out of a pinch when the GUI fails to work, such as a system crash. Having a mastery of the CLI gives you the edge that brings you one step closer to becoming a pro-Linux user. Whether you’re a casual Linux user or a professional developer using a Linux distribution, you’ll have to encounter the Linux terminal at some point. It could be when you install applications or create users and groups. Some commands you’ll encounter more than others, as they are necessary for your applications to work correctly. An example of such a command is $ sudo apt update. This command downloads and updates the relevant package information for your application from configured sources available on the internet. In some cases, however, it fails to update the repositories as intended. No matter how many times you try to execute the command, it gives an error which states that the “Release files are not valid” along with the link for the resource.  If we just described your problem, then have no worries, as this guide will show how you can get rid of this error, while providing an understanding of why it occurs. Although this tutorial concerns itself with Ubuntu, you shouldn’t face any trouble when trying to do the same using any other Linux distribution. So without further waiting, let’s begin!

Understanding the Error.

Having an idea of what causes the error will allow you to better understand your Linux system and provide potential insight on how to fix similar errors. You’ll most likely encounter the “Repository is not valid yet” Error in Ubuntu Linux when installing and updating an application or package using the command terminal, more specifically when you’ll use the apt update command. The error message should be as follows: “Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another ). Updates for this repository will not be applied.” As seen in the error message above, the package will continue to stay invalid for a certain time, meaning that the error is caused because of differences in system time with the world clock. You can check the System time by typing the following command. As you can see, the system clock is not synchronized properly. Now that we’ve discussed how this error occurs, we can focus on how to fix it. As long as you follow the steps, syncing the system clock with the world clock will be a breeze.

Synchronizing the System Clock [Terminal].

Synchronizing the system clock with the world clock often doesn’t require any work. Just connecting to the internet should synchronize your system clock. If the clock fails to sync, then don’t worry, as there are methods to set the clock to your local date and time manually. Most of these methods will make use of the command terminal. Although it may seem daunting, as long as you follow the steps synchronizing the time should be a walk in the park. To synchronize your system clock, follow these steps. This will force the system to use your local time clock as the real-time clock. You can switch the real-time clock to use UTC by typing the following: If you followed the steps correctly, then the clock should have synced with the world time. You can verify the changes by typing the following command. Another way to synchronize the clock is by using the hwclock –hctosys command. To use this command, follow these steps. This will sync your hardware clock accordingly to your selected timezone. If you followed the steps correctly, then you should have the system clock set as needed. You can now run the apt update command without seeing the “Repository is not valid yet” Error in Ubuntu Linux. If you think using the terminal is complicated, you can always go for the GUI approach.

Synchronizing the System Clock [GUI].

Working with the terminal might not be the best option for everyone. If you prefer a more graphical approach, then we got you covered.  As long as you follow the steps correctly, you shouldn’t have any problems with syncing your clock, and as you will see, the steps are simple and easy to understand.  To fix your system clock, follow these steps: If you followed these steps correctly, your system time should now be the same as the local time. Now you can try to run the apt update command without facing any difficulties. With the system clock synchronized, you should not be facing the “Repository is not valid yet” Error in Ubuntu Linux when trying to run the apt update command. We hope this guide helped you resolve your error and provided information about why it occurs and the general steps on how to fix it. Some users also encounter the ‘E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock’ Error in Ubuntu Linux. If you’re one of them, we recommend checking out this article.  If this guide helped you, please share it. 🙂

 Repository is not valid yet  Error in Ubuntu Linux  Here s The Fix  - 9 Repository is not valid yet  Error in Ubuntu Linux  Here s The Fix  - 28 Repository is not valid yet  Error in Ubuntu Linux  Here s The Fix  - 2 Repository is not valid yet  Error in Ubuntu Linux  Here s The Fix  - 30 Repository is not valid yet  Error in Ubuntu Linux  Here s The Fix  - 98 Repository is not valid yet  Error in Ubuntu Linux  Here s The Fix  - 1 Repository is not valid yet  Error in Ubuntu Linux  Here s The Fix  - 16 Repository is not valid yet  Error in Ubuntu Linux  Here s The Fix  - 13